100 Things For You in 2022

Like many of you - I've spent the first few days of this new year thinking about my intentions, beyond the things that are out of my control at this time, beyond the "I want to achieve x by x time" goals, I'm thinking about how I move through 2022, with a sense of achievement even in the little things. 

How do I get to feel good and happy about my direction, even when swimming against the current? 

And with that, it's totally OK if we don't have all our goals and ambitions set out on 31st December or by the end of any month, heading into the new. Nothing is really lost, if it takes us a few extra days to accept and amplify new month/new year energy. The important thing here is it's often less about the doing and more about being or at least becoming...

I've never been one to mark my year with a "word" or "theme" - but this year it feels right to call it and I'm choosing: Foundation. 

In every sense for me, this year is about realising the groundwork needed before building the structure, not neglecting the tedious things that if not tended to will impede on the quality of the outcome and paying close attention to the details from the ground up.

Nothing says paying attention to the details like looking inward. Facing the truth that we cannot pour from an empty cup. 

This is why I've challenged myself to #100ThingsForYouIn2022. With the goal to regularly do something (around twice a week) that's specifically serving my health and well-being. To maximise output, to come back to when shit really hits the fan, to just do life feeling good and grateful. 

These had to be things outside general daily practices (like having a morning coffee in the sun with my pup).

They needed to be something that filled my cup (like date night or catching up with family and friends), brought peace or closure to something (a day to recharge in nature), provided a moment in time to reflect (a beach walk & ocean swim), was a stepping stone towards the grander plans (launching a personal brand or finishing a book on topic that really interests me) or simply just a self-pat on the back for kicking butt (a holiday). 

For me, my list is about 70% complete so far, that's taking in to account, some weekly and monthly rituals, one offs, important dates or developments and also leaving space to add in the unexpected. My message to you is, that we will all find joy in new things by the end of the year, that we don't yet realise we could, would or will. Leave your heart open for these! 

The best part of this challenge? You don't need to cap it at 100 because consistency ensures you'll easily find 100 pockets of positive vibes over the coming weeks and months.  

A single weekly ritual is 52x, 3 monthly rituals is already 36x, and then there's 12 opportunities left to leave open or choose some one-off things that you know will light you up. 

I hope this renewed focus on all the small habits I've wanted to pick up more permanently will amalgamate with more intentional experiences for a beautiful year and reflection in 12 months and I hope the same for you. 

Be your own bright, 

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